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At present

Lékařský dům v Mezibranské s.r.o. is new, fully equipped clinic located in the Prague’s town centre. To our clients and patients we offer a complete service consisting of dermatology, ENT (ears, nose and throat), endocrinology, gastroenterology, general practicioner for preventative company care, gastroenterology, gynecology, internal medicine, ophthalmology, rehabilitation, surgery and stomatology. We focus on preventive health care (vaccination, periodic examination and life style consultancy). Our clinic provides special care and co-operates with other hospitals and medical centres in case of emergency and problem cases. Foreign languages are a very important part of our service. Our main objective is to provide professional and friendly medical care to all our patients.


Extraordinary working hours

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Lékařský dům v Mezibranské, s.r.o.

Mezibranská 21
Praha 1
110 00

  • phone

    +420 222 211 332

  • mail
